Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Card Photos

Since my daughter was born I was down for getting Santa pictures but of course she cried. So since then I have been taking the Christmas pictures myself to post on our Christmas cards. This is no easy task, take a peek we had 4 tries!

So many pictures taken just to use one!



Wednesday, December 22, 2010


My youngest turned 2 early November and before his birthday we took a trip to Seattle to visit the friends and family. His last free flight, boo hoo! When we arrived it was raining, what a surprise! We stayed at my parents house for almost two weeks. Two weeks seem long enough to visit friends and spend time with family on paper. In reality it went by to quick.
We spend Halloween trick or treating in Magnolia it was one of the places to be, tons of people. We also went to the aquarium with my nephew and visited friends for dinner. We had a wonderful time!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


A while back I was talking with my mom about sewing and she mentioned she has a coworker that knits. The next thing that came out of my mouth was "mom you should ask her to knit Ofelia a hat". So she did and in the mail came a beautiful knitted hat. Then not that long ago the same coworker make a couple more hats and scarf. I just love handmade things especially things that you can wear. Even better because it's one of a kind.
Thank you H!